Saturday 29 January 2011


OK another quickie (Apologies for the lateness)
I have recently begun development of my own side-scrolling platformer based on a video game character from the early-mid 1980s and in my opinion the second best British video game character ever.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Horace allow me to enlighten you.
Horace was created by William tang in 1982 and was notorious for infringing copyrights of other games which were:
Pac-man (Hungry Horace-1982)
Frogger (Horace goes skiing-1983)
Pitfall (Horace and the spiders-1984)
And Lode runner ( also Horace and the spiders-1984)
Updates will be available every Monday with screen-shots once a month (starting Monday 21st February) and Beta demo's every two months (starting Monday 21st March)
Apologies for the lack of things to say but i forgot all about it and had to rush it (sorry)
I'll have something decent next week.
TheWardy signing off.

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