Monday 31 January 2011

Dev blog: Week 1

Hey guys, TheWardy here again (:
OK time for a bit of an outline of the game:
It's been 16 years since Horace's last adventure in the mystic woods and our lovable rip-off friend is ready to embark on another fantastic adventure, but his path to modern videogaming is blocked by copyright lawyers, quality inspectors and reluctant retailers. Horace must fight his way though the legal barriers, slip past quality control and make his way onto the shelves and sell once again!

Alright so far I have the title screen all finished with a test level (which will soon be removed to add an intro to the story)

And now the revision history for the week:

Game created
Title screen added
Sound added (game start)

Game renamed
Plot changed

Title screen changed
Ttile screen music added

...that's all I guess.
See y'all Saturday!
TheWardy signing off.

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