Monday 13 June 2011

I'm back!

Hey guys sorry I'm a week late but better late than never eh :)

Ok so a few things: Firstly I was watching E3 for all of you who are wondering and despite only watching a few keynotes I have high hopes for the 2nd half of 2011 and the first half of 2012 and despite the fact nothing was said about Doom 4 (or at least I don't think there was) I am super stoked for that, secondly the Sploder game has been pushed back to the start of July, final time I swear, and finally you will be seeing some changes to the blog in the upcoming weeks which will be covered in depth on Sunday.

Back to normal posting tomorrow.
Until then, buhbyee.
TheWardy signing off.

1 comment:

Tell me what you thought.
Be nice please ^^