Sunday 4 September 2011

An open letter to the YouTube community.

As most of you know I am starting to get re-involved with YouTube with my new gaming channel TheOpenSourceGamer and I've been part of the community before that dating back to around 2006-2007 so in a sense I am kind of a veteran in a sense but thats beside the point. As the YouTube community has grown I have seen people come and people go, I have also seen the community get a lot dumber as time has gone on, therefore I leave all who are involved an open letter expressing my feelings on the current state of the comments sections that remain open. So to all whom it concerns:
  • The dislike bar: The like/dislike bar is a good way for users to voice their opinions on videos and for YouTubers to get an insight into how users like their videos, this number of likes and dislikes are both visible directly underneath the video player, neither need to be referenced in the comment section, no it is not a glitch, yes the video should have a dislike bar, wanna know why? Because different people have different opinions and neither YouTube nor Google will not let a video succumb to bias because you are too ignorant to see that.
  • Opinions: Maybe you've heard the word before? Everyone has them, everyone is entitled to their own and to express them where appropriate and should be respected, so when someone says they don't like this, this and that about a video you accept the fact that they don't like it and leave them be, you do not lay into them or call them stupid/retarded you leave them alone because slamming them will NOT change their views.
  • Irrelevance: This is mainly aimed at people randomly drop names of artists they don't like, what is the point? NEXT!
  • Partners: OK I am not a part of the partnership program, therefore I don't know the ins and outs of said program but I do know a few things, it is not free money and it is not much, believe it or not most partners probably still have day jobs and if not it is probably due to secondary, tertiary etc. incomes because at the highest most average partners will earn ~$100pcm (this is all based on assumptions and whatnot, got evidence that proves otherwise? Please show, thanks) moving on.
  • You don't like it?: THEN JUST SAY! Jesus Christ! The bitch fits people throw when someone does something they don't like, people hoping that YouTubers lose everything, hoping companies go bankrupt, all these bad things because people are doing things they don't like, there is no need for all this hatred, less of it.
  • Loyalty: There are moments when you realize loyal fans, are quite the inverse. I'll provide you with two examples from two, fairly popular shows. My first example is fairly old now but there is a show on Machinima's network known as Sanity Not Included which was created by two men known as Dex and Lyle, each with their own personal channel, but I'll get back to those later, while waiting for the season 2 finale people have been bugging them, as you can expect, they're impatient to see this spectacular conclusion to the series, it's expected, what isn't really that acceptable is accusing them of being lazy and, worse still, attacking their personal vids, all because you want them to rush an episode?! There is no need. My next example is very new and even more annoying, there is a channel I am subscribed to called HappyConsoleGamer, recently he visited the Penny Arcade eXpo, or PAX for short, anyway he went down there and recorded a fair bit of footage in HD, few people were doing that there, unfortunately while he was there, though he didn't notice until he looked back at the footage, his camera started skipping frames and it turned out that it was giving out, now he made an appeal video saying he needed $1000 to get his camera repaired and reminding people that they were not obligated to give him any money if they didn't want to, despite this, people seemed disgusted, as if he didn't devote his time making videos to entertain them and whatnot, as if he was just randomly asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars in handouts where in reality they had to pay an alarmingly small amount of money, assuming that he has 34, 600 subscribers (which he almost has) each of those subscribers would have to pay $0.03, that is less than a fucking cent people! $1000 is not a lot to ask seeing how much time he has put into entertaining you ignorant children! Next point.
  • Daily dislike: This is not really infuriating as it is stupid, you see this for people most people don't generally like, Justin Bieber, Rebbecca Black, Cher Lloyd, Lady Gaga, Nicky Minaj etc. either going onto their videos or using bots to go there soley to dislike the videos, in terms of general success rules, the likes/dislikes are near enough useless statistics and in a partnership situation does not affect income in any way, shape or form and in fact by visiting that video every day you are making them money just so you can alter one meaningless statistic. Good job.
  • Thumbs up: I can sort of see why people would want people to thumb their comments up but even then, if you wanna be in the spotlight get a camera, screen cap software, capture card etc. and fucking work! Chip in, be a part of the community!
  • Pointless comments: I don't care what year you are watching this video, how old you are, where you should hear about these people or anything like that, no one does, unless you can provide real and direct relevance to the video or people involved.
  • Attitude towards YouTubers: OK I don't know where people get ideas about YouTubers, especially those on the partnership program, that their lives revolve around their channels, that if they make all these videos they have no lives, they get money and fame for doing nothing etc. If you scratch the surface of one of the top 100 channels you will find normal, sometimes working class people with 9-5 jobs, friends, family, girlfriends/boyfriends/fiancĂ©es/wives/husbands whatever, they are normal, down to earth people who probably make no more than your average college/university graduate.
Anyway I'm going to halt it there, I could go on forever but those are the best bits of my growing anger for idiots on YouTube, feel free to tell me I've made terrible arguments, I'm a hypocrite, I'm taking it too seriously but these are my views and I am sticking to it.

Anyway in other news I am calling it quits on the QuakeCon recap due to the fact that its been almost a month and most, if not all of you will have seen it all by now so I'll be just stating the obvious every time.

Anyway that's it for now, I'll be back with another post on Wednesday.

Bye for noww.
TheWardy signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done Ward. Completely agree. Too many morons cluttering up the site these days.


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