Thursday 5 January 2012

Flash Game of the Week: 300 Miles to Pigsland

Happy new year guys!

Here is my first post of two thousand and twelve, a year in which I hope to blog consistently and inject new and exciting content (possibly with new authors joining as the year progresses), anyway without much more rambling (cause I'm running late on this) let's get on with it! Also I have an announcement at the end of this post so look out for that.

Right, the game I am reviewing today is called 300 Miles to Pigsland which is a cutesy little platformer with a hint of RPG elements (in that you can buy upgrades and eventually "level up" certain upgrades). The game was made by a developer called VladG, never heard of him but hope I do in the near future cause this game was great.

Ok now that I've got all the basic bits out of the way, time for the main story and gameplay. You basically control a set of pigs (though you start with a single pig) who have escaped from a farm and are on their way to Pigsland...I don't know either, anyway you jump on platforms and collect coins(1, 5 and 10)/gems(50) whilst avoiding all sorts of hazards and enemies. After each level you can buy upgrades and upgrade some of those upgrades you have acquired throughout adventure mode. As much as I love this mode of gameplay I have 2 complaints. The first complaint is that you grind for coins a little too much at some stages and I get enough of that from RS, although the grinding on this game seems to be more extreme than Runescape's, I can only assume its because you can just say "fuck it" and train a different skill. My second complaint is that the game is a little unfair, there are a few speed problems with the enemies here and there, sometimes the controls aren't responsive enough/you cannot react fast enough and in some places you can lose multiple pigs over one badly timed jump (much like with the spikes in Sonic the Hedgehog).

There is also a puzzle mode where you have to reach a certain distance on a limited budget, new puzzle levels are unlocked as you progress, it's somewhat a standard in games like this really. I cannot say one good thing about it, it is unrealistically difficult, not worth completing really.

Overall this is a brilliant game which can be played in short bursts but sadly means nothing unless you have at least half an hour to spare, not too good really, apart from that, seal of approval.

Kongregate link
And BigDino's link

Anyway that's it apart from the announcement!
Remember the super secret project I hinted towards in September 2011? Well that's been postponed until this September (I hope). I am now working on a new project with the working title Linews, basically a blog devoted to weekly Linux news updates, much like sites such as DistroWatch and ThisWeekInLinux, but with some of my thoughts included. This new blog will commence on Monday the 30th January 2012 and I shall link the blog to the side as soon as it is created (which will hopefully be tomorrow).

Anyway that's that out of the way, I shall see y'all on Saturday for the review and TOSG's Arcadia over on my YouTube channel.

See you then!
TheWardy signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Imagine playing your favorite video game at home against an opponent who is in different country or another place. It is a great experience.

    Fun Games


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