Thursday 31 March 2011

Feature: NGP-My thoughts

Late late LATE sorry.
Been ill since Monday night so most of the content will be a few days late.

OK so as most of you know the PSP 2 (or NGP) is due out I think they said later this year? Really cannot be bothered looking so we'll assume I'm right anyway I'm rambling so I'm gonna move back on track.
Anyway I've been looking at it so far and to be honest I'm not seeing much, cue abuse from Sony fanboys.

Ok as much as I love the PSP I don't think the NGP will do it any justice.

The first reason is half reasonable half stupid and involves the new media they are using: SD cards! Ok first the reasonable part, this may not happen but I reckon it is gonna be a lot easier to pirate games this way (may be wrong) and the stupid reason is when have SD cards worked in this case?

Second point: THE THUMBSTICK! (that circle thing below the d-pad that was JUST analogue and very awkward to use). They've added a second one to the equation, now the way I see it they've either done one of two things which are doomed to fail in their own way. The first thing they could have done is kept the same design which is basically fighting fire with fire. The second thing they could have done was raise the stick a bit to allow it to move like a regular a-stick but would make it rather pokey-out and fragile.

Finally we have the new control schemes, touch screen and touch panel on the back. Now seeing as I am using my PSP 2K at the moment (well...waiting on Spyro 2 to finish downloading but the point is I can hold it) and the touch screen/panel are easy but awkward to use/avoid.

Now after all this you are probably saying "If you hate the NGP why complain so much?" Well...I don't necessarily hate the NGP it's just at the moment I see little potential in it and who knows, maybe there are still things we are yet to know about the true NGP, we shall have to wait and see.

So sorry about this being so late (and my schedule being blown off course) I shall have this mess fixed by Monday.

So because I'm ill and lazy this week's comment question is do you feel sorry for poor unwell me?

Anyway I shall see you all tomorrow.
TheWardy signing off.

Flash Game of the Week: Roadkill Revenge

Hey, so so SO sorry, kinda had a bit of a fall-out with someone really close and was really in no fit state to finish the review until about 12ish.

OK Roadkill Revenge is a game by a company called Kizi games and is basically about a group of critters who I guess are pissed at humans for running over their bunny mate or something and go on a Grand Theft Auto come Carmageddon killing spree.

Your basic aim is to drive into cars, buses, tankers, buildings, f-16s and even missiles and kill as many people and cause as much damage as possible. Each of the 50 levels have one main goal and 2 optional challenges, these challenges will eventually help you unlock the last few levels.

This game is really good fun and perfect for the sadist in us.

OK Tuesday's Retrospect has been pushed back a week for a bit of a mini-rant about the NGP (sorry).
Anyway sorry I was so late.
Be back on Saturday with a look at Super Mario Bros 3.
Until then see ya.
Poll up soon.
TheWardy signing off.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Retrospect 1/8: Atari 2600 vs PS3

Hello and welcome to the first part of my new blog series; Retrospect.
In this series I will be looking at a new and retro console and pointing out the retro's advantages.

I'll start with a controller advantage, the controller (well joystick) on the Atari has a 9-pin joystick adapter which was the same used for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Commodore 64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum (with the Kempton interface) the list goes on which means if the joystick does pack in it is interchangeable, now I've not tested this with the PS3 as I do not own one (yet!) but I don't think that will work very well, if at all.

The second is an obvious one that will be referenced throughout the series, the media keeps up better, this is shown best in carts made by Atari with pin shields.

The next one kinda ties in with the cart vs cd (well...blu-ray) is that there are no load times (until you get into the milliseconds) so no waiting to play :)

Finally (cause I'm kinda late) I don't know about all versions (I have reason to believe mine is a PAL Darth Vader, may be wrong) but my Atari 2600 model does have quite a long RF cable which means as long as you keep the carts nearby you don't really have to get up (I am stupidly lazy so you see why I find this good) whereas most AV cables/HDMI cables aren't long enough to reach the user from say about 7-10 feet.

Anyway apologies for the shortness and lateness of this one, the others will be on time and fully fleshed out I swear.
Ok next week is the first (and probably only) handheld comparison which will be either the NDS or the PSP Vs the original gameboy.
Look forward to seeing you then.
But wait.
Today is (officially) Wednesday.
You know what that means. Drumroll please?
Which I will start writing in a moment.
Anyway see you all tonight.
Before I go the comment question:
What is your preferred mobile OS (iOS, android etc.) and why?
TheWardy signing off.

Monday 28 March 2011

Dev blog: Week 9

Evening all.
Been a great day.
No college :) had chance to do a lot of fletching (10k arrows, should finish those later this week with a satisfying level ^^)
Not much work on the game still :/
Ok my Runescape sub runs out on the 14th so a week of solid development (sorry! day for each until then).
So anyway ain't read too much almost a full chapter, something to read (and get laughed at in college).
Anyway Retrospect: Atari 2600 vs PS3 is due tomorrow I'll see you then.
Catch you later!
TheWardy signing off.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Review: Super Mario Land (Gameboy)

Ugh feel crap, forgot about the review, couldn't sleep, the works, on the bright side though I have Runescape: Betrayal at Faldor :)

About the game

Super Mario Land was released on the Gameboy in 1989 (1990 in Europe) and features the same story of Super Mario Bros 1 & 3 kill the people save the princess...only difference is that it's Daisy who is clearly just one of Peach's aliases just like Keith Lemon (character by some british funny bloke that did bo'selecta) and Charlie Sheen's sober self.
Anyway onto the review.


The graphics are rather poor for a game of this age, I see that they were trying to recreate the first Super Mario Bros on a handheld platform but lets face it the classic Gameboy, limited 16 bit graphics, actually beaten by the NES (which is around 6 years older). Anyway enough slamming the Gameboy, bad call for the developers especially on a platform with a monochrome display (be good to see what it would have looked like on the Gameboy Colour actually).

My verdict-8/10


This section loses 4 points for 4 reasons.
The first reason is that well...I don't know, it just seems out of place, very un-mario-ish, the second is that the sound was quite limited when you think of other Gameboy games released in 1989 (take Dr Mario for instance), the third is a little stupid but I gotta point it out, the warp pipe sound is absent, and finally I consider this a little bit lazy, the can-can thing (apparently it's not called that but I can't be bothered looking for it).

My verdict-6/10


The controls are alright but the physics are a bit messy. For some reason the fall speed is double to the jump speed for some reason, I don't know if this was to make it a bit harder or whatever but its not needed, also there are some deceiving drops that seem quite impossible but its not really relevant and therefore points will not be deducted.

My verdict-8/10


This game is not too tricky but the dodgy jump:fall ratio makes it a bit tough.

My verdict-9/10


I've not completed this game as of yet but judging on how far I have got imma say 1 1/2-2 hours, fairly decent.

My verdict-9/10

Replay value

I only play this game occasionally so the replay value isn't something to brag about to be honest.

My verdict-5/10

My final verdict-45/60-B-An ok game but I won't be rushing out to buy the game of the year edition.

Anyway that's it.
Sorry about it being late.
Tomorrow's will be on time, along with updates on where I'm up to on the book :)
TheWardy signing off.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Flash game of the week: Another Cave Runner

Hey everyone, sorry about that, imma try avoid it in the future :)

OK this week's flash game of note is Another Cave Runner by Arkuni and if you don't know what it's about I applaud you for even being able to turn on your PC, well done.

OK this game has made it onto here...I don't even know why it made it on here...most likely because I'm stupid and easily amused by anything involving levels...probably.

ACR is a rather simple game really just run, level up, repeat, perfect time waster with a basic mode which is just story without the levels n shizz and of course; ACHIEVEMENTS.

Anyway fairly good game, overall kinda short game but still great.

Anyway thanks for reading, poll up in a minute, be back Saturday, see ya :)
TheWardy signing off.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Fall back men

Hey, you're probably wondering why I am late with no feature. Well looking over it then, I don't know it just looks too rushed and messy so I've decided to abort it, rewrite it and post it in a few months.
Now for a little announcement.
I am going to be making a series of comparisons between current/last gen consoles with retro ones.
This will go on for about 2 months with the first next tuesday.
Tremendously sorry about all of this.
I am going to try and make sure this will NOT happen again.
Flash Game of the Week due in an hour or so, see you then.
TheWardy signing off.

Monday 21 March 2011

Dev blog: Week 8

Today marks the 2 month aniversary of development...and I don't even have a working model yet...not too good.
Anyway done a few more rough sketches...nothing too decent, will be working towards a working model over the next month.
Now, a bit of an announcement, you may have noticed the box above this post.
It is a poll box.
Now every Wednesday I will be placing a new poll for you the general public to answer...thats all really.
Anyway that's all I have at the moment.
I will be back tomorrow with *drumroll* PC VS CONSOLE.
Anyway see you all tomorrow.
Take care.
TheWardy signing off.

Sunday 20 March 2011

Review: Super Mario Bros (NES/Famicom)

OK guys apologies.
I fell asleep before I could upload this.
Imma try put these out earlier from now on.
Anyway ONWARD!

About the game

You know what Super Mario Bros is right? No? Get the f**k off my blog then! I keed I all know who Mario is.
Anyway Super Mario Bros was released on the Nintendo Family Computer/Entertainment System between 1985 and 1987 and involves an italian-american plumber trying to rescue a princess...I don't know either.


This game has fairly basic graphics for NES standards but it did look pretty good when it came out so I'm not complaining.

My verdict-8/10


Music and sfx on this game are pretty good but the explosion sounds at the end of the level (if you're lucky) could have been done better(in that they could have used white noise-like sounds for it).

My verdict-9/10


The control can't really be faulted too much except the fact that some jumps can go a bit too wrong but it's not really a big deal.

My verdict-9/10


This game has a pretty smooth difficulty curve and once again only has a slight flaw that takes it off perfect, the water levels.

My verdict-9/10


I've never completed this game before but I'm gonna say this game will last you about 30 mins to maybe about an hour and a half which is great for a sidescroller.

My verdict-10/10

Replay value

This game is quite hard to put down (hence why I've stopped playing before I go to college) and I think this would apply after you complete the game :)

My verdict-10/10

My final verdict-55/60-A-An amazing game that sparked off an amazing line of games in my opinion :)

Well that's it.
Sorry it was so late.
I'm about to start the next review, heres the hint:
Gameboy exclusive starring the same main character released in 1989.
Anyway speak to you lot tomorrow.
Don't do anything stupid.
TheWardy sigining off.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Flash Game of the Week: Cactus McCoy

Hey guys sorry about this being so late I've been a bit busy so I'm hoping this'll be quick.

Cactus McCoy is a simple platformer made by Flipline Studios of papa's pizzaria/burgeria fame and basically involves a cactus running around taking down wanted posters which obviously means he's either trying to clear his name, or running from the law, pretty much it really. As well as the wanted posters there are different tasks for each level, hidden treasures, times, high scores, upgrades, everything you'd need to improve the playability and replay value of the game.

This game is sort of the iron pyrite of the goldmine, not exactly gold but much better than a pebble. True this is not much as games go but it is the best of the bunch this week.

All in all this is an OK game and I recommend you check it out :)


Anyway that is it for now.
I shall see you all on Saturday.
Bye for now.
TheWardy signing off.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Feature: New rating system

OK this is just gonna be a quick one cause there's not too much to say.
Alright so I'm putting in a new rating system very soon (as early as Saturday). It's gonna be sort of an average decimal system with the lowest being 0.1 and the highest being 10...that's all I have so far really.

OK here's a demonstration of how it works.
Let's take Golden Axe for example:
A minor setback like the delay when entering the clearing would take 0.1 off the graphics score however something bigger say for example the messed up control scheme would take 1 off the control score.
The scores will still be averages (like I said) rounded to the nearest 0.1 and I doubt we'll see the grades again but I'll see what I can do.
Also I may be adding more sections to it so we'll have to see what becomes of that.

OK since this is a fresh new feature may aswell add some extra content to it.
Therefore I will be asking you pretty people a comment question every week...simple as that.
OK so here is this weeks question:
What is your favourite video game of all time?

That's all for this week's feature I will be back here tomorrow to crown this week's Flash Game of the Week.
See you then.
TheWardy signing off.

Monday 14 March 2011

Dev blog: Week 7

Evening all.
Not done much in the way of deving this week sadly.
I have instead started coming up with crude sketches of Horace and other elements of the game and should have some frame-sets perhaps for the next DB (no releases till June though)
That's all I have at the moment.
I shall be back tomorrow with a run-down on the forthcoming rating system :)
Until then.
Take care.
TheWardy signing off.

Sunday 13 March 2011

An apology

Hey guys.
I guess I'd best say sorry for no review.
Last time it'll happen I promise.
Here's the hint for next weeks review.
NES exclusive released between 1985 and 1987.
Ported to several formats.
Sequels still being made to this day.
Leave a comment, message or tweet with the answer and the first 10 to get it right will get their names in a tweet and the first to get it right will get their names on the blog.
Anyway I'll be back tomorrow.
TheWardy signing off.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Flash game of the week: Sushi Cat 2 + announcement

OK lets start with the main attraction, the game.

Sushi Cat 2 is (obviously) a sequel to Sushi Cat released by our good friends over at Armour Games last year.

Everything that made the original game great have been left in with a few fun extras including outfits, sort of assistance sushi I guess you could call it (in exchange for Maneki Neko) and of course bonus levels (which to the best of my knowledge were not on the first or the honeymoon, will have to check and update). It's also longer, more colourful, levels are laid out better and now scroll as opposed to just being tiny eyesore levels and it looks less of a Peggle clone than it's predecessor.

Sushi Cat 2 is the best game of 2011 so far in my opinion and can see it being this year's Doodle God (Aint played it yet? Play it! ).

Well here it is, enjoy:

OK on with the announcement.
As of Tuesday there will be 4 segments on this blog of mine.
Tuesday's "Feature" segment will just be a random topic, hardware review, poll...basically whatever I want to put there that week.
I will be doing a quick feature this Tuesday outlining the forthcoming rating system announced on Monday so please, watch this space.
Thanks for reading (and almost parring my page-views from all of last month in 10 days :O), I'll be back on Saturday and hope you all will be too.
Bye for now!
TheWardy signing off.

Monday 7 March 2011

Dev blog: Week 6 + Announcements

OK first things first, dev blog.
Not done much in terms of development, just flicking through tutorials, cant concentrate on anything at the moment, gonna crack on with the tutorial this week though (:

OK now announcements.

After a few setbacks in development, I have decided to halt all content (screenshots and betas/demos) until at least June, watch this space for more info.

The second announcement ties in with Saturday's mess, I am now going to begin writing my reviews a week in advance (any suggestions for reviews are warmly welcomed). I am also contemplating moving the reviews to Tuesday in attempt to phase in daily content. More news on these at a later date.

The third and final announcement is that the rating system is getting a face lift once again no further info as of yet.

If anyone has any suggestions on what to add to the blog or how to improve it just leave me a comment or something and I will get back to you ASAP.

Well that's all folks.
Be back on Wednesday.
Take care.
TheWardy signing off.

Sunday 6 March 2011


Well I just lost my ENTIRE REVIEW thanks to the bastards down at Microsoft and their fucking abomination of a web browser, NOT FUCKING HAPPY!

Anyway I will be back tomorrow with the dev blog.

Take care and don't use Internet Explorer.
TheWardy signing off.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Flash game of the week: Interlocked

Interlocked is a fun, addictive 3D geometric based puzzle game produced by flash game newcomer "NikitaL".
The only problem is the fun:frustration ratio is a little off and precise movements are needed to free most blocks but apart from that it is very playable and, thanks to the music, relaxing.
Finished all the regular and hardcore levels? Move onto the challenge mode and let's see how good you really are.
I advise you all to check it out as it most likely will give you a few hours of fun and serves as a great time-waster :)
Hope y'all enjoy.
Well that's it for now folks.
Be back Saturday with another great review.
Bye for now!
TheWardy signing off.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Dev blog: Week 5

Hey sorry imma late.
Nothing to report, still learning the ropes.
Drawing framesets for horace this week.
Update on Monday.
Sorry again.
TheWardy signing off.