Wednesday 16 March 2011

Flash Game of the Week: Cactus McCoy

Hey guys sorry about this being so late I've been a bit busy so I'm hoping this'll be quick.

Cactus McCoy is a simple platformer made by Flipline Studios of papa's pizzaria/burgeria fame and basically involves a cactus running around taking down wanted posters which obviously means he's either trying to clear his name, or running from the law, pretty much it really. As well as the wanted posters there are different tasks for each level, hidden treasures, times, high scores, upgrades, everything you'd need to improve the playability and replay value of the game.

This game is sort of the iron pyrite of the goldmine, not exactly gold but much better than a pebble. True this is not much as games go but it is the best of the bunch this week.

All in all this is an OK game and I recommend you check it out :)


Anyway that is it for now.
I shall see you all on Saturday.
Bye for now.
TheWardy signing off.

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