Monday 7 March 2011

Dev blog: Week 6 + Announcements

OK first things first, dev blog.
Not done much in terms of development, just flicking through tutorials, cant concentrate on anything at the moment, gonna crack on with the tutorial this week though (:

OK now announcements.

After a few setbacks in development, I have decided to halt all content (screenshots and betas/demos) until at least June, watch this space for more info.

The second announcement ties in with Saturday's mess, I am now going to begin writing my reviews a week in advance (any suggestions for reviews are warmly welcomed). I am also contemplating moving the reviews to Tuesday in attempt to phase in daily content. More news on these at a later date.

The third and final announcement is that the rating system is getting a face lift once again no further info as of yet.

If anyone has any suggestions on what to add to the blog or how to improve it just leave me a comment or something and I will get back to you ASAP.

Well that's all folks.
Be back on Wednesday.
Take care.
TheWardy signing off.

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