Thursday 31 March 2011

Feature: NGP-My thoughts

Late late LATE sorry.
Been ill since Monday night so most of the content will be a few days late.

OK so as most of you know the PSP 2 (or NGP) is due out I think they said later this year? Really cannot be bothered looking so we'll assume I'm right anyway I'm rambling so I'm gonna move back on track.
Anyway I've been looking at it so far and to be honest I'm not seeing much, cue abuse from Sony fanboys.

Ok as much as I love the PSP I don't think the NGP will do it any justice.

The first reason is half reasonable half stupid and involves the new media they are using: SD cards! Ok first the reasonable part, this may not happen but I reckon it is gonna be a lot easier to pirate games this way (may be wrong) and the stupid reason is when have SD cards worked in this case?

Second point: THE THUMBSTICK! (that circle thing below the d-pad that was JUST analogue and very awkward to use). They've added a second one to the equation, now the way I see it they've either done one of two things which are doomed to fail in their own way. The first thing they could have done is kept the same design which is basically fighting fire with fire. The second thing they could have done was raise the stick a bit to allow it to move like a regular a-stick but would make it rather pokey-out and fragile.

Finally we have the new control schemes, touch screen and touch panel on the back. Now seeing as I am using my PSP 2K at the moment (well...waiting on Spyro 2 to finish downloading but the point is I can hold it) and the touch screen/panel are easy but awkward to use/avoid.

Now after all this you are probably saying "If you hate the NGP why complain so much?" Well...I don't necessarily hate the NGP it's just at the moment I see little potential in it and who knows, maybe there are still things we are yet to know about the true NGP, we shall have to wait and see.

So sorry about this being so late (and my schedule being blown off course) I shall have this mess fixed by Monday.

So because I'm ill and lazy this week's comment question is do you feel sorry for poor unwell me?

Anyway I shall see you all tomorrow.
TheWardy signing off.

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