Sunday 17 April 2011

Review: Pokémon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow (Gameboy)

Hello again it is Sunday the 17th April 2011, I have just (well, not just) came back from a tournament, I'm TheWardy and this, is My2 Rusty Pennies.
Might drop that soon.
Anyway today I thought I'd review one of my many childhood memories, Pokémon! Interesting fact I got Crystal before Red...That wasn't interesting at all was it. Moving onto the review now :)

About the game

Pokémon! Red, Blue, Green (Japan only) and Yellow were released between Spring 1996 and Autumn 1998 worldwide and is about...10 year olds forcing animals with magical powers to fight each other...or something like that.


The graphics on this game are not that bad seeing as it is a Gameboy game in...I guess you could say colour, its monochrome but not black and white like most Gameboy games, this being said, this came out near enough the same time as the Gameboy Colour so they could have pushed it back by a few months but there was probably some sort of financial issue there.

My verdict-9/10


The sound on the game is great bar one thing, for some reason during the health alarm most of the sounds are either absent or distorted in one form or another. Not too much to say

My verdict-9/10


Not really much control to this game, just walking and fighting which is sort of a "press and watch what happens" style as is standard with RPGs and particularly J-RPGs and eventually becomes a bit of a button masher which is kinda good because it is not as tedious as one that keeps you over involved, take Final Fantasy XIII for example.

My verdict-9/10


This game (as with most RPGs) has an excellent difficulty curve, that is all I can really say to be honest.

My verdict-10/10


I recently ambled through this game and got to victory road in about 48 hours so I imagine the average length is about 12-24 hours or maybe 4-8 if you tank through it. All in all great for any amount of time you have on your hands.

My verdict-10/10

Replay value

I'll let you guys work it out, you will play on even after the game has finished and only delete your file when you get bored of that.

My verdict-10/10

My final verdict-57/60-A-This (only just noticed I've been referring to them as this, but I won't change them as I am too lazy) is an excellent game that has gone on to make a successful (but getting worse) franchise of games, in the words of Kieth Lemon "Tellyshows" and films along with other merchandise.

OK sorry for another late, one more coming up in the next few hours so stay tuned.
TheWardy signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Another great review Ward. :)
    Can't go wrong with Pokemon as far as I'm concerned. Oh the memories. :)


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