Friday 8 April 2011

That's Interesting: Did Not: Finish

Well I'm sure most of you have heard the news, the upcoming first person shooter Duke Nukem: Forever has been pushed back by a month, this is getting a bit stupid now you've been doing this for 14 bloody years now! Word of advice guys, either get it together or declare vaporware, simple as that. I am excited to see what this becomes (which at the moment looks a bit like Half-Life which is both good and bad I guess) but to be honest, Mortal Kombat 9 is my main focus at the moment. Anyway, schedule is kinda back on track now, shall be back tomorrow with Super Mario Bros 3. Until then. See ya. TheWardy signing off. P.S the formatting seems to be a bit fucked up and Doesn't want to present the post with the right formatting, sorry about that.

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