Wednesday 11 May 2011

Flash Game of the Week: Doodle God 2

Well guys they have done it again, first there was Doodle God, then Doodle Devil and finally we have...DOODLE GOD 2 *gets excited*

OK a short recap for those who may be unfamiliar with Doodle God:
Doodle God is sort of a trial and error point and click game from a group called Badlim of which there are 3 titles (see above) which all involve combining elements and stuff.

This game adds 2 more episodes (which I have yet to play) as well as the main game so the replay value has improved greatly...other than that its mostly the same but is still somehow better than the original.

I wouldn't recommend this to everyone as it only hits a very small amount of gamers (like me) but if you like sort of combination games I whole highly recommend this game.
As usual here's the Kongregate link
And here is the Elite Games link

Anyway that's it
Apologies for the lack of quality (it is like 2:32 in the morning), hardware review tomorrow.
Anyway I'm off to bed, night!
TheWardy signing off.

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