Saturday 7 May 2011

Hardware review: Original NES controller

Ok guys I'm so sorry this is so late but I'm almost caught up so here you go.

I'm gonna be reviewing the NES controller supplied with every pre-1993 bundle in the US and every bundle in the UK which soon set a standard for controllers which still remains to this day which is...wait for it...A DIRECTIONAL PAD!

There was one problem in that its sort of square shape was not too friendly on the hands but it does fit in the palm so that's good.

I've got 2 of them (which both came with my NES) and they are slightly stiff and unresponsive but bearing in mind I only bought it in august, a possible 25 years after its manufacture and god knows how overused it was/how long it may have been collecting dust, it is a very durable controller. One final advantage is that the controller lead is rather long, much longer than some I've used NAMING NO NAMES SEGA AND ATARI!

Ok 2 more tonight, That's Interesting is next.
Back in about half an hour.
TheWardy signing off.

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