Friday 6 May 2011

Retrospect 5/8: Megadrive/Genesis Vs Wii

Ok sorry this is as late as it is but here it is: RETROSPECT!

This Retrospect covers the Sega Genesis/Megadrive and the Nintendo Wii which were released 1988-90 and 2006 respectively with the Megadrive hitting the dust in 1995-7 and were both pretty successful although the Wii has kind of succumbed to the curse of casual games in the past few years.

Moving on to the comparison.

Ok in this we will be comparing: Media, controllers and playback

This one is getting a bit tedious to put out every time but here goes: more resistant to damage and no load times (excluding the Mega CD)

The next is controllers, as most of you know the Wii uses a motion sensing controller where as the Megadrive uses a standard control pad which in most cases is a lot easier to use.

Finally there is the playback advantage, the Megadrive was using the newest technology out at that time (CD-ROM) whereas the Wii is using Optical discs which were used on the Gamecube and were inferior to the likes of HD-DVDs and Blu-Ray discs.

Anyway that's it really.
Next up is the Flash Game of the Week.
See you then.
TheWardy signing off.

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