Saturday 7 May 2011

That's Interesting: PSaNonymous?

Ok one more after this and I have caught up!

Right this story has been floating around the internet, namely YouTube and various gaming forums, for almost 3 weeks, the PSN hack and subsequent outage and theft of credit card details.

Like the other big story recently, the death of Bin Laden, I've not been too bothered by this, but have felt sympathy for the sister's boyfriend but as for me, I'm more Xbox despite the fact I hate Microsoft, hence why I am using Ubuntu.

But this story recently took a twist of sorts; Sony have announced that they have found a file on their servers which included the phrase "We are legion" which is largely used by the hactivist group Anonymous, and now they are linking this to Operation Sony.
This annoys me so much, I know Anonymous, I know what they are like they attacked SECA websites because Sony were attacking gamers (mainly jailbreak fans) they are not going to knock the servers out too, wether or not to help thieves (which they wouldn't do). Here's how I see it: this is probably a bunch of newfag hackers who thought they were big/helping the cause by taking the servers out, that or the thieves did it themselves and framed anon.
One final note: If it was Anonymous, they would have come clean straight away, they denied it, Anonymous may be sick and twisted people at times but take it from a medfag going on oldfag, they do not lie especially when it comes to taking responsibility for their attacks.

Well that's it one more and I'm done, see you very soon.
And look, rules 1 & 2, unbroken.
TheWardy signing off.

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